Généalogie acadienne

Geneva Jane White

ID : I161806 Female

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Prior to her marriage to Don King in 1953, Geneva taught school in various places in the Centreville area. After marriage, Geneva and her husband Don (who was involved in the field of education) moved to Campbellton, Bathurst and then to Kenya fo

r 5 years.

During her time in Kenya she became aware of the many challenging issues facing families in that part of the World.

She joined the East Africa Women's League to aid with the needs of families there.

From Kenya, Geneva and Don moved to Iqaluit (then Frobisher Bay) for 4 yrs were Geneva was the Town's Public Librarian.

Then to Alberton, PEI where Geneva was very involved with UNICEF and the Women's Institute serving in various capacities with each service group.

Geneva held the Association Country Women of the World in high regard.

This worldwide organization of three million women in 70 countries, in part promotes and works for world peace.

Geneva was a dedicated member of the Alberton Women's Institute holding offices of convener and President at both local branch, district and international level.

She was the president of the PEI Women's Institute from 1987-1989 and also served on the National FWIC Board. She was elected to the United Nations Standing Committee of ACWW at Kansas City in 1989 and was re-elected at The Hague for three more ye

ars in 1992.

Geneva served 2 terms on the PEI Status of Women Board, PEI Council of the Arts, Arts Funding Board, Theatre PEI Board, Red Cross Youth Committe and Unicef Committee.

She was a Canadian delegate to United Nations for NGO members. While Geneva served on the United Nations Committee, she had many speaking engagements in the UK and the work of ACWW and Canada.

Geneva recently received the "Diamond Jubilee Metal" Created in 2012 to mark the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the Throne as Queen of Canada, the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal was a tangible way fo

r Canada to honour Her Majesty for her service to this country.

At the same time, this commemorative medal served to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians.

Geneva Jane White
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1. White, Beverley I646726 Male

Girouard, Florence I437239 Female
Type : Mariés


1. King, Donald Charles dit Don I733284 Male
ID : F101717
Type :
Enfants : 6
King, Charles I733296 Male
King, Michael I733292 Male
King, Joseph I733293 Male
King, Reginald I733288 Male
King, David I733295 Male
King, Veronica I733290 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Geneva Jane White
I161806 Female
