Généalogie acadienne

Irma Maillet

ID : I175185 Female

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Irma was a supportive and devoted companion to her husband; as well as a loving and dedicated mother to her children. She always encouraged her children and showed great enthusiasm for anything and everything they wanted to achieve in life. For se

veral years, Irma also worked outside the home as a ward attendant at the former Saint John General Hospital and later as a home support care worker at various nursing homes. She then went on to provide private senior homecare.

Irma first came to Saint John from St. Louis in the early 1950s to find work. It was during that time she met her husband Tilmon. They married and together raised their family. Upon his retirement, she and Tilmon returned to Richibucto, where the

y spent 17 happy and active years in the community. Irma loved music, gardening and the company of good friends. She will be best remembered for the sweetness of her personality, her patience and her generosity to others. Her children in particula

r will miss the special love and attention she showed to each one of them. As her health deteriorated, Irma became a long term resident of Loch Lomond Villa, but her love for people and concern for others never diminished. She was a devout Roma

n Catholic and believed strongly in the power of Prayer, in particular those she recited to St. Anthony.

Irma Maillet
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1. Maillet, Amédée I62739 Male

Gallant, Bertha I62740 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Gallant, Tilmon I175186 Male
ID : F69692
Type :
Enfants : 5
Résidence familiale : Saint-Jean en 2008

Gallant, Reg I350392 Male
Gallant, Nancy I350394 Female
Gallant, Claude I350396 Male
Gallant, Lucille I350390 Female
Gallant, Alvin I350397 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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