Généalogie acadienne

Juy Chiasson

ID : I33764 Male

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Note Juy was a fisherman and employed at Captain Dan’s for many years.
began his career as a volunteer firefighter for the Richibouctou-Village Fire Department in January 1999.

In 2011 he proudly became Assistant Chief in the community in which he adored.
This year he would be receiving the Governors Metal for his 20 years dedicated service which is an honour and privilege to be held by any fire fighter.

Juy has touched many lives in his 20 years as a dedicated public service volunteer and will be greatly missed by all the lives he has touched.

Not only was he the first to enter a fire, but also the last all while insuring safety of his team.

His presence and years of service will be remembered by all and he will be greatly missed by all the volunteers at the Richibouctou-Village Fire Department.

Juy Chiasson
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1. Chiasson, Charles I33762 Male

Daigle, Évangéline I33763 Female
Type : Mariés


1. Maillet, Dawn I786975 Female
ID : F314956
Type : Conjoint de fait
Enfants : 1
Chiasson, Dylan dit Dyl I1026715 Male

2. , Kimmie I786976 Female
ID : F314957
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 2

Chiasson, Dylan I786977 Male
Chiasson, Kaitlyn I786978 Female

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P Adopté par le père
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N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Juy Chiasson
I33764 Male
