Généalogie acadienne

Lionel (adopté) Hachey

ID : I339899 Male

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Note Lionel a débuté sa carrière professionnelle entre le début et le milieu des années 1960 à l'usine de papier de Bathurst en tant qu'électricien.
Il partit bientôt pour travailler à la construction du nouveau projet East Coast Smelting, qui devint plus tard Brunswick Smelter.
Il est ensuite devenu employé permanent lorsque la production a commencé en 1966 et où il a passé les 38 années suivantes jusqu'à sa retraite.
Au cours de son séjour là-bas, il a occupé différents postes, notamment celui d'électricien et est devenu président du syndicat des Métallos de 1973 à 1979, négociant de nombreuses conventions collectives.
À cette époque également, il est devenu le premier candidat du N.D.P à se présenter aux élections dans la région.
Il accepte ensuite, en 1979, un poste de coordonnateur de la sécurité au sein du personnel, qu'il occupera jusqu'à la fin de sa carrière.

Lionel started his working career in the early to mid 1960s at the Bathurst paper mill as an electrician.
He soon left there to work construction on the new East Coast Smelting project which later became Brunswick Smelter.
He then became a permanent employee when it began production in 1966 and where he spent the next 38 years until his retirement.
During his time there he served in different roles including electrician and becoming the USW union president from 1973-1979 negotiating many collective agreements.
Also during this time he became the first N.D.P candidate to ever run for election in the area.
He then, in 1979, accepted a position on staff as a safety coordinator which he held for the rest of his career.
Lionel started his working career in the early to mid 1960s at the Bathurst paper mill as an electrician.
He soon left there to work construction on the new East Coast Smelting project which later became Brunswick Smelter.
He then became a permanent employee when it began production in 1966 and where he spent the next 38 years until his retirement.
During his time there he served in different roles including electrician and becoming the USW union president from 1973-1979 negotiating many collective agreements.
Also during this time he became the first N.D.P candidate to ever run for election in the area.
He then, in 1979, accepted a position on staff as a safety coordinator which he held for the rest of his career.
Lionel (adopté) Hachey
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1. Jacques, Albert Joseph (adopté) I339450 Male
Hachey, Éléonore Marie I339451 Female
Relation enfant : Adopté
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Wood, Gloria Ann I340085 Female
ID : F171064
Type :
Enfants : 6
Hachey, Clay I1030137 Male
Hachey, Chad I1030142 Male
Hachey, Craig I1030138 Male
Hachey, Cory I1030139 Male
Hachey, Curtis I1030135 Male
Hachey, Clark I1030141 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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