Généalogie acadienne

Berthilde Bertille Léger

ID : I370404 Female

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Résidence Dieppe en 2014 et à la Villa du Repos, 125, avenue Murphy, Moncton, en 2018

She retired after 25 years as Activity Director at the Villa Providence and Manager of the Cite D'Age D’Or apartment complex in Shediac.

In 1987, she underwent a successful liver transplant in London, Ontario.

This led to her many years of dedicated service as the President of the local chapter of the Canadian Liver Foundation.

Until her passing she was the oldest and longest living liver transplant recipient in Canada.

One of Bertille's proudest accomplishments was as Founder and President of the Projet Mère-Léonie raising funds for a monument in St. Joseph.

Bertille was also the Co-Founder of the Dieppe Gold Blades Figure Skating Club.

She was past member of the Beauséjour Curling Club, and Club D’'ge D’Or de Diepp;

and for many cherished years, a member of the "Golden Girls".

Berthilde Bertille Léger
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1. Léger, Oscar François Joseph I173726 Male

Landry, Zelma Marie Dorilla I173727 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Demers, Georges I370403 Male
ID : F156622
Type :
Enfants : 5

Demers, Michelle I364443 Female
Demers, Lise I773002 Female
Demers, Margot I773004 Female
Demers, Marc I96164 Male
Demers, Julie I773005 Female

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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