Généalogie acadienne

Albert Joseph LeBlanc

ID : I99493 Male

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Mr. LeBlanc worked as an oil burner repairman for Gibbs BP in the Peabody area for many years. After his retirement he wanted to stay busy and worked at the Galley Hatch Restaurant and at the Hannaford Supermarket in Hampton.

He moved to Hampton in 1994 coming from Peabody and most recently returned to Peabody. He was a communicant of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church a member of the Holy Name Society and was also involved with the Stephen Ministry at the church


Albert Joseph LeBlanc
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1. LeBlanc, Aimé Joseph I285271 Male

Belliveau, Henriette Marie I279677 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. LeBlanc, Marguerite Marie Léa I99492 Female
ID : F39154
Type :
Enfants : 3
Résidence familiale : Hampton, New Hampshire, en juillet 2005

LeBlanc, Francis J. I496581 Male
LeBlanc, Joanne M. I496583 Female
LeBlanc, Robert J. I496579 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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