Généalogie acadienne

Allison Alesson J. P. dit Big Al Richard

ID : I10108 Male

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In his younger years Al was an amateur wrestler and he had the title of NB and Eastern Maine wrestling Champion. Big Al was an avid outdoorsman hunting, fishing and loved to go to Richibucto clam digging and lobster fishing. Big Al loved to be aro

und his family and friends, he always got excited to share his hunting escapades in his native French language, and he always enjoyed a good game of cards. He was a member ILA #273 and a millwright, and was a former member of the RCL branch #2.


1. Richard, Vital Joseph I220395 Male

Robichaud, Ozélie I220396 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. LeBlanc, Denisa I10109 Female
ID : F5644
Type :
Enfants : 4
Résidence familiale : Salt Springs en 2010 et à Clover Hill en 2012

Richard, Judy I662203 Female
Richard, Christine I662205 Female
Richard, Jacqueline dit Jackie I662207 Female
Richard, Yvon I662202 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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