Acadian Genealogy

Marguerite LeBlanc

ID : I3644 Female

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1. LeBlanc, Pierre-Victor dit Pierrot I3440 Male

Saulnier, Marguerite (1740 - ?) I3441 Female
Type : Married
Date : 29 August 1763


1. Poirier, Raphaël I3643 Male
ID : F2395
Type :
Children : 9

Poirier, Blanche I82845 Female
Poirier, Placide I3838 Male
Poirier, François I15712 Male
Poirier, Marie I82849 Female
Poirier, Joseph I82850 Male
Poirier, Pierre I81715 Male
Poirier, Simon I31833 Male
Poirier, Anne I3734 Female
Poirier, Paschal I28382 Male

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Legend [+]
A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

Ascendance Fan Chart

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Ascendant tree

LeBlanc, René
(1701 - 1759) I4138 Male
Thériault, Anne
(1705 - 1759) I4139 Female
Marguerite LeBlanc
I3644 Female
Saulnier, Charles
(1721 - ?) I2756 Male
Saulnier, Marguerite
(1740 - ?) I3441 Female
Savoie, Marie-Josèphe
(1722 - ?) I2757 Female
