Généalogie acadienne

David Richard

ID : I621883 Male

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Résidence Upper Coverdale, N.-B., en 2014

He was a true "Albert County boy" and enjoyed working at building his log homes and most recently his snowplowing business. He loved the outdoors, fishing, spending time with family and friends and his cottage in Margaree, Cape Breton. David's pa

ssion for the simple things in life – having a good laugh, chatting with anyone who had the time, enjoying his classic cars and the odd Alpine – and his kind and considerate ways will be remembered fondly by many.

David Richard
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1. Richard, Roland dit Doc I73097 Male

MacDonald, Evelyn dit Evie I73098 Female
Type : Mariés
Date : vers 1957


1. Irving, Karla I621884 Female
ID : F33087
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 0

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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