Généalogie acadienne

Lucille Marie d’Entremont

ID : I1033263 Female

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Note En tant que jeune adulte, Lucille travaillait pour son père à l'A.S. Magasin général et bureau de poste d’Entremont à Middle West Pubnico.
Après s'être mariés en 1955, elle et son mari Henry fondèrent le LaReine Motel à Dayton qu'ils exploitèrent pendant quarante-cinq ans.
Elle était membre de la paroisse Saint-Ambroise où elle a servi au sein de la Ligue des femmes catholiques pendant soixante-cinq ans et a exercé un mandat de présidente.
Lucille a également siégé au conseil d'administration de la Yarmouth Regional Business Corporation et a été membre de diverses associations touristiques.

As a young adult Lucille worked for her father at the A.S. d’Entremont General Store and post office in Middle West Pubnico.
After marrying in 1955, she and her husband Henry established the LaReine Motel in Dayton which they operated for forty-five years.
She was a member of the St. Ambrose Parish where she served with the Catholic Women’s League for sixty-five years and served a term as president.
Lucille also was on the board of the Yarmouth Regional Business Corporation and was a member of various tourist associations.
As a young adult Lucille worked for her father at the A.S. d’Entremont General Store and post office in Middle West Pubnico.
After marrying in 1955, she and her husband Henry established the LaReine Motel in Dayton which they operated for forty-five years.
She was a member of the St. Ambrose Parish where she served with the Catholic Women’s League for sixty-five years and served a term as president.
Lucille also was on the board of the Yarmouth Regional Business Corporation and was a member of various tourist associations.
Lucille Marie d’Entremont
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1. d’Entremont, Augustin I1033261 Male
d’Eon, Regina I1033262 Female
Type : Mariés


1. Deveau, Henry I1033264 Male
ID : F419798
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 7
Mariage Source 1955

Deveau, Janice I1033275 Female
Deveau, Louise I1033269 Female
Deveau, Anthony I1033277 Male
Deveau, Joanne I1033271 Female
Deveau, Norman I1033265 Male
Deveau, Donald I1033273 Male
Deveau, Carolyn I1033267 Female

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Lucille Marie d’Entremont
I1033263 Female
