Généalogie acadienne

Nicholas Joseph McGraw

ID : I117512 Male

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Nicholas spent 21 years in the Royal Canadian Navy, first as a stoker, then as a hull technician -- retired December 1966 as Chief Petty Officer Second Class. He retired again in 1986 as shop technician in the psychology department at Dalhousie Un

iversity. His hobbies were making Maple syrup, going to dances at the legion in Neguac, NB; as well as working on his wife's quilts.

Nicholas Joseph McGraw
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1. McGraw, Omer I117487 Male

Robichaud, Suzanne I117488 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. McLaughlin, Kathleen Patricia I616135 Female
ID : F10094
Type :
Enfants : 6

McGraw, Maureen I616143 Female
McGraw, Michael I616138 Male
McGraw, Peggy I616145 Female
McGraw, David I616139 Male
McGraw, Patty I616141 Female
McGraw, Joanne Theresa I616147 Female

2. DeBaie, Doris I117513 Female
ID : F46084
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 0
Résidence familiale : Dartmouth, N.-É., en juin 2005
Mariage vers 1986

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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