Généalogie acadienne

Léon-Paul Lapointe

ID : I241315 Male

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Résidence Saint-Léonard en 2007

He was drafted August 1943 for WWII training, boarded the HMS Nieuw Amsterdam II and sailed to England in January 1945.

He was a Private with the Pictou Highlanders - St John Fusiliers, enlisted for Active Service in England and was a bilingual clerk at the Leatherhead No 10 Canadian Repatriation Depot.

In March 1946, he boarded the HMS Smiters, sailed home to New Brunswick.

He obtained a Certificate in Agriculture August 1946 from the Canadian Vocational Training School in Charlottetown, PEI.

He received straight A's in all 7 subjects and developed a true passion for gardening and arboriculture.

He began his career as an Immigration Officer in 1948 and retired as a Customs Officer in 1980. After retiring, he obtained a Certificate from NBCC for completion of a Christmas Tree sultivation Program.

In 1986, he received a Certificate from the Saint-Leonard Airport in Radio Communication, Safety & Records, Runway Conditions where he worked as a Commissionaire for 6 years.

He was an active member of the community, delivering Red Cross Meals, volunteering and participating in countless parish events.

He was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 52 in Saint-Leonard for 60 years.

Léon-Paul Lapointe
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1. Lapointe, Leonard I241289 Male

Lachance, Elvine I241290 Female
Type : Mariés


1. Côté, Frances I241316 Female
ID : F97761
Type :
Enfants : 4

Lapointe, Patricia I748275 Female
Lapointe, Paula I748276 Male
Lapointe, Karen I748273 Female
Lapointe, David I748274 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Léon-Paul Lapointe
I241315 Male
