Généalogie acadienne

André dit Andrew Bergeron

ID : I384913 Male

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Mr. Bergeron served in the U.S. Marine Corps for over 20 years.

He entered the Marine Corps on March 26, 1952, and was discharged September 30, 1971, attaining the rank of gunnery sergeant.

He served in the Korean Conflict and in the Vietnam War.

He received the National Defense Medal with three stars, Vietnam Service Medal with three stars, Vietnam Campaign Medal, Good Conduct Medal, NDSMAL one star, GCM five stars, UNSMA one star, KSM two stars, NVC two stars, KPVC, CAR, VCM with Device

, VSM three stars, Meritorious Mast, MVC Cross of Gallantry with Palm and Expert rifle and pistol badge, Navy Unit Commendation, UN Ribbon.

After retiring from the service he worked at TDA Maintenance in Fort Devens for 20 years as an inspector, retiring in 1991.

After retiring, he had worked at Chapdelaine Truck Center in Lunenburg until his illness.


1. Bergeron, Omer I711247 Male

Pelletier, Lea I711248 Female
Type : Mariés


1. Cormier, Aline I384912 Female
ID : F163290
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 3
Résidence familiale : Fitchburg, Mass., en 1992

Bergeron, Annette I711251 Female
Bergeron, Andre J. I711249 Male
Bergeron, Alan J. I711250 Male

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V Individu vivant

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André dit Andrew Bergeron
I384913 Male
