Généalogie acadienne

Jocelyne Richard

ID : I42801 Female

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At 18 she attended U of M, graduating with her Bachelor of Nursing. She worked in different provinces and her last posting was working as a case manager for 15 years with Medvaie Blue Cross where she was respected and loved by all. Thank you Maril

yn, Linda and Ellen for always being there for her. She was strong and independent; a truly multi tasked woman. She was the heart of her family, caring friend, great sister, a gardener, carpenter, painter, a great cook and a mother to all her anim

al friends. During the last 6 months she battled brain cancer valiantly and courageously without a complaint. She will be remembered always by her team of excellent health care workers, especially Rachel for making her laugh.

Jocelyne Richard
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1. Richard, Alphée Joseph I42798 Male

Thibodeau, Alberta I42797 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Labelle, Joseph I42802 Male
ID : F19281
Type : Conjoint de fait
Enfants : 3
LaBelle, Carolyne Annabelle I529069 Female
LaBelle, Alexandre George I529067 Male
LaBelle, Jennifer Kane I529068 Female

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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