Généalogie acadienne

Jeannine Godin

ID : I449659 Female

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Jeannine was a homemaker all her life and took great joy in raising and nurturing her seven children and was continually delighted by her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. A deeply spiritual person, Jeannine faithfully attended Sainte-Anne-de

s-Pays-Bas in Fredericton where she made many lasting friendships. Jeannine and her late husband were strong supporters of the Canadian Red Cross and were honored by the Lieutenant Governor for their many years of Volunteering and also volunteere

d with Fredericton Meals on Wheels for many years.

Jeannine Godin
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1. Godin, Anthime Joseph I635181 Male

Desjardins, Hélène Marie I635180 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Poirier, Paul Jean Henri I449660 Male
ID : F203072
Type :
Enfants : 7
Résidence familiale : Fredericton depuis 1937

Poirier, Marc I527956 Male
Poirier, Rita I527951 Female
Poirier, Jacqueline I527958 Female
Poirier, Georgette I527952 Female
Poirier, Anne I11392 Female
Poirier, David I527954 Male
Poirier, Claude I449658 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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