Généalogie acadienne

Roy Joseph Melanson

ID : I486720 Male

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Roy loved helping others. Working on Habitat for Humanity homes and helping his son to build a home brought him great joy. He built homes for several family and friends and found a passion in building boats, including his own lobster fishing boats

. He enjoyed working on the water, hunting, salmon fishing, lobster fishing and worked over 40 years as a Longshoreman. Roy was an active member of St. Rose of Lima Church and was involved in the Denis Morris Community Centre.

Roy Joseph Melanson
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1. Melanson, Antoine Joseph I289455 Male

LeBlanc, Sylvie Marie I289456 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Wallace, Bernice Mary I486721 Female
ID : F220007
Type :
Enfants : 8
Melanson, Gary I413474 Male
Melanson, Donna Marie I486730 Female
Melanson, Ronald I486722 Male
Melanson, Brenda Mary I486731 Female
Melanson, Richard I114363 Male
Melanson, Marlene I486724 Female
Melanson, Mary Anne I138162 Female
Melanson, Deborah Lynn I486729 Female

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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