Généalogie acadienne

Charles Comeau

ID : I609919 Male

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He retired from the Correctional Service of Canada in 1988 after a long and distinguished career. He was a leader of the 1st Nappan Cub Pack for a number of years. He was a member of the Men’s Club of Nativity of our Lady Parish as well as secreta

ry of the Nativity-St Charles Cemetery Committee. He was a devoted volunteer with the Amherst Chapter of the Kidney Foundation of Canada acting as Treasurer for many years. After retirement he was a volunteer for Revenue Canada preparing tax retur

ns for seniors. He was a devoted parishioner of both Nativity of Our Lady and Holy Family Roman Catholic parishes for his entire life.

Charles Comeau
Appuyez pour agrandir


1. Comeau, William Joseph I609913 Male

Fillmore, Flossie May I609914 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. , Pauline I609920 Female
ID : F278174
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 5
Résidence familiale : Amherst, N.-É., en 2006 et en 2013
Mariage vers 1952

Comeau, Gérald I609924 Male
Comeau, Paula I609926 Female
Comeau, Stephen I510411 Male
Comeau, Mary I609928 Female
Comeau, Theresa I609921 Female

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Arbre ascendant

Charles Comeau
I609919 Male
, Fillmore
I609917 Male
, Pagé
I609918 Female
