Généalogie acadienne

Mary Ann Irene Imhoff

ID : I612248 Female

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Born and raised in New Carlisle, Quebec, Mary eventually moved to Campbellton to study nursing. There, she met and fell in love with Richard Goudreau. Together, they raised four daughters with family at the center of their lives. Mary was a Regist

ered Nurse for 38 years, first at the Hotel Dieu Saint Joseph, then at the Campbellton Regional Hospital. Mary was always kind, gentle and compassionate, caring for family and friends. Her sense of humour brought smiles to all and she enjoyed ligh

thearted banter with her family. She had a special way of welcoming visitors to her home, offering a meal, a game of cards, a kind word, and a good conversation. In 2004, Mary and her husband Richard moved to Moncton to enjoy their retirement year

s closer to family.

Mary Ann Irene Imhoff
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1. Imhoff, Frédéric I612249 Male

Labrecque, Émilie I612250 Female
Type : Mariés
Date : 27 octobre 1926
Lieu : l'Église catholique romaine Saint-Étienne, New Carlisle, Qc


1. Goudreau, Richard Joseph Roméo I416735 Male
ID : F279279
Type :
Enfants : 4

Goudreau, Carol I663785 Female
Goudreau, Janet I663787 Female
Goudreau, Natalie I663789 Female
Goudreau, Joanne I663784 Female

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Mary Ann Irene Imhoff
I612248 Female
