Généalogie acadienne

Raymond Stanley dit Toughie Steeves

ID : I649522 Male

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Ray worked as a Cost Analyst at CNR for 35 years followed with 5 years of consulting work with the Drug and Alcohol Commission. He was Deputy Mayor/Counsellor for 8 years. Ray was instrumental in the building of the Centennial Arena in Dieppe an

d President of the Recreation council. He was a parishioner of St Theresa Church. Ray devoted many hours to volunteering, community work, the Bill W program and politics (Blue party of course!!!!).

Ray was an accomplished hockey and baseball player. Played hockey with teams like the Memramcook Rovers, Moncton jr. Hawks, Amherst Ramblers, Miramichi Beavers. He played baseball for the Dieppe Cardinals that won the 1949 maritime junior champion

ship and the Lewisville Keefe Cubs which were inducted into both the N.B. baseball Hall of fame and Moncton hall of fame.

Raymond Stanley dit Toughie Steeves
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1. Steeves, Walter I649524 Male

Cunningham, Arloa I649525 Female
Type : Mariés


1. LeBlanc, Yvette Marie Pauline I649523 Female
ID : F109408
Type :
Enfants : 3
Steeves, Charlotte I649526 Female
Steeves, Susan I649528 Female
Steeves, Donna I649530 Female

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Raymond Stanley dit Toughie Steeves
I649522 Male
