Généalogie acadienne

Emery Emory A. (Private)LeBlanc

ID : I834778 Male

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Résidence Fitchburg, Mass., É.-U., en 1958

Mr. LeBlanc worked for American Can Company for 35 years before his retirement.

He acted as union treasurer, and later was a member and treasurer of the Retirees Club.

After retiring, he worked as a courier for TD Bank North.

He joined the United States Army Air Corps in 1943 until his honorable discharge in 1946.

During his service, he obtained the American Theater Campaign Ribbon, the Good Conduct Medal, and the Victory Medal.

He was a member of St. Joseph Parish, the American Legion Post 429, the Knights of Columbus Council 99, the St. Joseph Club, and the Westminster Country Club.

Emery Emory A. (Private)LeBlanc
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1. LeBlanc, Blaire André I286173 Male

LeBlanc, Basilice Béatrice Marie I286174 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Normandin, Claire M. I834782 Female
ID : F334408
Type :
Enfants : 3
LeBlanc, Susan I834788 Female
LeBlanc, Gary I834784 Male
LeBlanc, Carol I834786 Female

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L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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