Acadian Genealogy


Here is a little web site for the beginner genealogist on Acadian genealogy. Attention : I am not a professional genealogist. I therefore strongly suggest that you double-check the information on the site instead of taking them at face value.

The focus is mainly on Acadians living, (or have lived) in the province of New-Brunswick, and a little bit on the Québec side.

Warning: lots of the information presented comes from secondary sources, hence not verified; or from obituaries from newspapers and funeral homes. In the latter case, it it often not possible to determine whether couples are married or are in common law. Hence, I suggest that you re-check these informations via other sources.

This will be an interesting venture as long as you keep it an active, dynamic project. I need your input to update the data

The information is in French. Yet this should not pose any difficulty as the names of the months are very similar in both French and English.

I want to thank all those who have sent me E-mails of encouragement and suggested corrections. I find people SO generous!  As some of my sources have received unpleasant E-Mails, I will no longer provide their E-Mails. Nonetheless, I would like to extend a very big thanks to Dianne, Rhea, Francine and George, and François Maillet for the informatics aspects.

Should you wish to add, make a correction or delete information which is on the Web site, it's very easy. All you have to do is send your request to the E-Mail in the "Contact-us" section, and specifying the Internet link, the ID number or the name of a couple so that I can retrace the individual. I will do the rest. (Note that it takes between 6 to 8 hours to up-date the Web site -- that I run at the end of the day).

 For the Quality control: Messrs Francis Landry, Jean Gaudet, M. Gérard LeBlanc et George MacGillivray

Thank you for your understanding.

Léandre Maillet