Acadian Genealogy

Contact Us

Before contacting us, please check that your question isn't one of the frequently asked questions:

Frequently asked questions

  1. Why do I have to pay for a Premium Account to have access to some information? The Premium account exists to help pay for the site's operations and to support the volunteer who maintain it. This site has been created by a single genealogy hobbyist and not a big team.

  2. Why are some dates replaced by grey rectangles? The information that is only available to Premium account holders are replaced by grey rectangles like this . This allows visitors to get an idea of the type of information that would be available to them if they were to subscribe. Those rectangles are replaced by the actual information as soon as you are logged into your Premium account.

  3. What are the advantages of a Premium Account? The advantages are listed on this page.

  4. How can I pay for a Premium subscription? You can currently only pay with your credit card. Transactions are processed securely by Stripe, one of the major payment processing platforms. Go on your profile page to get started.

  5. Will the subscription automatically renew? Yes. When creating your subscription, you will choose the payment frequency, either monthly, every 6 months, or annually. If you do not cancel your subscription, you will automatically be re-billed on your next billing cycle so that you can keep enjoying your Premium membership.

  6. I want to renew my subscription but my credit card is expired, or I have replaced it. How can I update it? To update your method of payment or make any other changes to billing, go to your profile in the section "Manage your subscription and billing".

  7. How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel your subscription by going to your profile in the section "Manage your subscription and billing". Once your subscription cancelled, you will keep your Premium account until the date you had originally paid for.

  8. How can I update my pricing plan, to go to a yearly billing cycle from monthly or vice-versa? You can update your plan by going to your profile in the section "Manage your subscription and billing". You will be credited pro-rata for the remaining time of your current plan on the new one.

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