Acadian Genealogy

Héléna dit Eileen Landrigan

ID : I155582 Female

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Note Elle a fréquenté le Prince of Wales College et plus tard l'Université Dalhousie, où elle a obtenu en 1949 un B.Sc. (Chimie).
Pendant son séjour à Dal, elle a été capitaine de l'équipe de basket-ball universitaire et a joué dans l'équipe féminine de hockey.
Après ses études, elle a travaillé au Département fédéral des pêches. Après plusieurs années à élever sa famille, elle est retournée au travail et a finalement pris sa retraite du Service canadien des forêts.
She attended Prince of Wales College and later Dalhousie University, graduating in 1949 with a B.Sc. (Chemistry).
While at Dal, she captained the varsity basketball team, and played on the women's hockey team.
After graduation, she worked at the Federal Department of Fisheries. Following several years raising her family, she returned to work, eventually retiring from the Canadian Forestry Service.
She attended Prince of Wales College and later Dalhousie University, graduating in 1949 with a B.Sc. (Chemistry).
While at Dal, she captained the varsity basketball team, and played on the women's hockey team.
After graduation, she worked at the Federal Department of Fisheries. Following several years raising her family, she returned to work, eventually retiring from the Canadian Forestry Service.
Héléna dit Eileen Landrigan
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1. Landrigan, Percy I195518 Male

Kailly, Eileen I195519 Female
Type : Married


1. Savoie, René J. B. I155581 Male
ID : F78206
Type :
Children : 5

Savoie, Renée I195520 Male
Savoie, Étienne I195522 Male
Savoie, Jean-Guy I195524 Male
Savoie, Adèle I217828 Female
Savoie, Daniel Marc-André I217830 Male

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A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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Héléna dit Eileen Landrigan
I155582 Female
