Acadian Genealogy

Rose-Éva Daigle

ID : I23600 Female

This person passed away less than 250 years ago. To view this person, subscribe to a Premium account!

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Elle était employée dans une usine de transformation de poisson et elle était membre de l'église de Saint-Norbert.

Rose-Éva Daigle
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1. Daigle, Antoine I23569 Male

Léger, Sara Marie-Rose I23571 Female
Type :
Date :
Location :


1. Thibodeau, Élie I51797 Male
ID : F7429
Type :
Children : 10
Family residence : Saint-Norbert de Kent en janvier 2006

Thibodeau, Pierre I75354 Male
Thibodeau, Estelle I75348 Female
Thibodeau, Roger I75356 Male
Thibodeau, Norbert I75350 Male
Thibodeau, Léon I75358 Male
Thibodeau, Alcide I75352 Male
Thibodeau, Odette I75346 Female
Thibodeau, Cécile I75344 Female
Thibodeau, Jacqueline I13934 Female
Thibodeau, Claude I75341 Male

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Legend [+]
A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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