Généalogie acadienne

Bernadette dite Bernie LeBlanc

ID : I236911 Female

Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!

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Bernadette studied nursing in Edmundston and it was there she met her husband Don a member of the US Air Force.

Following their marriage, the couple settled in Florida.

Bernadette and her husband were successful business partners.

They began their business in the gas supply industry, opening B&D Petroleum in Springfield Massachusetts.

(Aadditional operations include Platinum Auto Spa and Armbrook Senior Living).

Bernadette dite Bernie LeBlanc
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1. LeBlanc, Alphonse Joseph Dolphin I511342 Male

Arsenault, Irène Marie I511341 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Scott, Donald I511343 Male
ID : F231566
Type :
Enfants : 2
Scott, Don Jr I860340 Male
Scott, Christopher I860341 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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