Généalogie acadienne

Yvonne Godin

ID : I260374 Female

Cette personne est décédée il y a moins de 250 ans. Pour voir cette fiche, abonnez-vous au compte Premium!

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Résidence Toronto, Ont., en 2000 et en 2007

Yvonne Morais (nee Godin) It is with much sadness that we announce the passing of our Mother, Yvonne Marie (nee Godin) MORAIS. YVONNE was born on Sept. 29, 1916 in Bathurst, New Brunswick. She was predeceased by her husband, Wilfred A. MORAI

S of Caraquet and her son, George. She was the proud mother of 10 children, Carmella (Fern), Edmond, George (deceased) Roger (Linda), Anne Marie (Reg), Nicole (Ray), Joanne (Allan), Gerry (Jana), Greg (Janet), Jocelyn (Blair). She has many fift

h generations of great grandchildren and numerous grandchildren. She has grandchildren in Bracebridge, Arcadia, Indiana, Wasaga Beach, Oshawa, Shelburne, Orangeville, Alton, Kingston, Ottawa, Bradford, Toronto, Alberta & Bermuda. Yvonne enjoyed tr

aveling, sewing, music, and knitting and in her latter years, learned to enjoy gardening. She would always take time for each of her children to visit or reside with them. Along her many traveled excursions; she met many friends and relatives an

d was always happy to share her experiences. She was very agile and her mind was sharp. She fell on Easter week and broke her hip, which lead to her demise. The energy left in her did not bring her back to a good quality of life. She resided in Br

acebridge, Ontario at the PINES Long Term care, for the past year and a half. She passed on peacefully in her sleep. Mom I am sure you will forever be in our hearts. You will be missed and thought of often by all who loved and shared life's experi

ences with you.


1. Godin, Richard I260363 Male

Cormier, Virginie I260364 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Lodge, Arnold I300676 Male
ID : F124721
Type : Conjoint de fait
Enfants : 0
2. Morais, Wilfred A. I300654 Male
ID : F124711
Type :
Enfants : 10

Morais, Nicole I300663 Female
Morais, Jocelyn I300671 Female
Morais, George I300658 Male
Morais, Joanne I300665 Female
Morais, Roger I300659 Male
Morais, Gerry I300667 Male
Morais, Carmella I300655 Male
Morais, Anne-Marie I300661 Female
Morais, Greg I300669 Male
Morais, Edmond I300657 Male

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P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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