Acadian Genealogy

Elvena Baker

ID : I395797 Female

This person passed away less than 250 years ago. To view this person, subscribe to a Premium account!

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Elvena avait une foi solide en Dieu et elle a vécu selon les valeurs chrétiennes qu’elle a reçues et mises en pratique sa vie entière. Elle était membre des Filles d’Isabelle de sa communauté. Elle avait une manière douce, gentille et humbl

e et elle a vécu comme un exemple de sa profonde foi chrétienne. Elle aimait beaucoup et exigeait peu en retour.

Elle manquera à sa famille et ses amis pour ses grandes gentillesses, sa cuisine, surtout ses tartes, sa dévotion, la bonté d’un cœur sans limite, son habileté de voir le bien en toutes choses et en toutes personnes et l’encouragement qu’elle démo

ntrait aux autres de faire de même. Elle se souciait profondément de tous, qu’ils soient famille, amis ou membres de sa communauté. Elle était toujours prête à aider ceux et celles en besoin. Imiter la bonté de son cœur, sa spirituali

té et sa capacité de pardonner sera une tâche difficile à surpasser.

lvena had an unwavering faith in God and lived her life devoted to both the teachings and practice of that faith. She was a member of The Daughters of Isabella. She had a kind, gentle and humble demeanour and lived her life as an incredible examp

le of her Christian faith. She loved much and asked little.

She will be remembered and missed by her family and friends for her cooking, (especially her pies) her devotion, her bottomless heart, her ability to see the good in everything and everyone and her encouragement for others to do the same. Elven

a cared deeply for everyone she knew whether family, friend or a member of the community. She was always ready to help others in need. Emulating her kind heartedness, her spirituality and her capacity for forgiveness is a daunting task indeed.

Elvena Baker
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1. Baker, Stillman I334222 Male

Dee, Alice Mary I421813 Female
Type : Married
Date : 18 September 1915


1. O'Regan, Guy I131383 Male
ID : F176321
Type :
Children : 8

O'Regan, Shawn I395807 Male
O'Regan, Barry I395801 Male
O'Regan, Keith I395809 Male
LeBlanc, Rita I33422 Female
O'Regan, Donald I395803 Male
O'Regan, Guy I395798 Male
O'Regan, Maureen I395805 Female
O'Regan, Shane I395800 Male

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Legend [+]
A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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Elvena Baker
I395797 Female
