Généalogie acadienne

Robert dit Bob Kenneth Arsenault

ID : I410718 Male

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At the age of 14, he left Cape Breton to make a life in Dartmouth, NS,where he found work at the dockyard and worked his way to a career in Welding and Pipe Fitting. Bob was a devoted member of the Plumbers & Pipefitters Union, Local # 56 and di

d volunteer work on behalf of the union. A homebody, he loved woodworking and renovation projects, photography, flying, airplanes and cherished spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren.

Robert dit Bob Kenneth Arsenault
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1. Arsenault, Albert I410699 Male

Solburg, May Marie Sohlberg I410700 Female
Type : Mariés
Date : 24 août 1939
Lieu : Halifax, N.-É.


1. Marceau, Lucille I410719 Female
ID : F183884
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 2

Arsenault, Cynthia I410723 Female
Arsenault, Chris I410725 Male

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V Individu vivant

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Robert dit Bob Kenneth Arsenault
I410718 Male
