Généalogie acadienne

Lorraine Theresa London

ID : I425184 Female

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Lorraine grew up on the east side of Saint John. She began her career in environmental services in her teens, starting with the Tuberculosis Hospital on Bayside Drive in the 70's. When it closed in 1976, Lorraine went to work at the General Hospit

al in Saint John. In 1982, the General Hospital closed and Lorraine went to work at the Saint John Regional Hospital from where she retired in 1996 after 37 years of service.

Lorraine loved animals and had many dogs and cats throughout her life. She also loved music which was evident by the number of CD's she had collected. She loved to sing, dance and even karaoke. She also loved to garden and travel.

Lorraine Theresa London
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1. London, Clarence Earl I425182 Male

Lavigne, Géraldine Mary I425183 Female
Type : Mariés


1. Gray, Vincent I425185 Male
ID : F191282
Type :
Enfants : 2

Gray, Valerie I425187 Female
Gray, Tricia I425189 Female

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P Adopté par le père
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N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Lorraine Theresa London
I425184 Female
