Généalogie acadienne

Robert L. dit Bob Martin

ID : I446856 Male

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Le brigadier-général Martin est né à Martin, N.-B. Il détient un baccalauréat ès arts de l'Université St. Thomas et un baccalauréat en droit civil de l'Université du Nouveau-Brunswick. Il est aussi membre du Barreau du Nouveau-Brunswick

. Il a, en outre, étudié le droit international public à l'Université de Paris durant l'année universitaire 1959-1960. En mai 1989, l'Université St. Thomas a décerné au Bgén Martin un doctorat (honoris causa) en droit.

Il s'est enrôlé dans le Corps-école d'officiers canadiens (Infanterie) de l'Armée canadienne pendant ses études universitaires. Il s'est joint à la Force régulière de l'Aviation royale du Canada en 1957 et a servi successivement à Québec, à Pari

s et à Metz (France), ainsi qu'à Ottawa et à Montréal.

Le Bgén Martin a aussi étudié au Collège d'état-major de l'Aviation royale du Canada, durant l'année 1965-1966, et au Collège de la Défense nationale, avant d'être promu à Brigadier-général (octobre 1986) et d'être nommé Juge-avocat général des Fo

rces canadiennes, poste qu'il a occupé depuis novembre 1986. Il détient, depuis 1976, le titre d'officier de l'Ordre du Mérite militaire et, depuis 1987, le titre de conseiller de la reine.

He was born in Martins, New Brunswick. He held a Bachelor of Arts degree from St. Thomas University and a Bachelor of Civil Law degree from the University of New Brunswick. He was life member of the Law Society of New Brunswick and in 1959-60 atte

nded the University of Paris were he studied Public International Law. In May 1989, the University of St. Thomas awarded BGen Martin an honorary Doctor of Laws degree. While attending university, he enrolled in the Canadian Officers Training Corp

s (Infantry) Canadian Army, joined the Royal Canadian Air Force, Regular Force in 1957 and served in Quebec City, Paris and Metz, France, Ottawa and Montreal. In the Office of the Judge Advocate General in Ottawa, he was Director of the followin

g sections: Pensions, Advisory, Operations, Property, and Military Justice. After his promotion to Colonel, he was Deputy Judge Advocate General/Advisory; Deputy Judge Advocate General/Chief Judge Advocate, responsible for courts martial and appea

ls; and Assistant Judge Advocate General, Eastern Region, Mobile Command Headquarters, Montreal. He was the Director of Personnel Legal Services at National Defence Headquarters between 1980 and 1985, directly responsible to the Assistant Deput

y Minister (Personnel) providing legal advice on personnel matters and, in particular, redress of grievances, appeals against the severity of sentence imposed by courts martial, boards of inquiry and summary investigations involving deaths and inj

uries. He was actively involved as Legal Adviser during the 1969 Montreal Police Strike; the 1970 October Crisis; the 1971 Kingston Riot; and the 1976 Montreal Olympics. From 1972 to 1985, he was the Permanent DND Coordinator for the Special Votin

g Rules and was responsible for arranging and administering the voting for members of the Canadian Forces and, where applicable, their dependents at federal and provincial general elections. BGen Martin attended the Royal Canadian Air Force Staf

f College in 1965-66 and the National Defence College prior to his promotion to Brigadier-General (October 1986) and his appointment as Judge Advocate General of the Canadian Armed Forces in November 1986. He was appointed to the Order of Militar

y Merit in the grade of Officer in January 1976 and as Queen's Counsel in January 1987.

Robert L. dit Bob Martin
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1. Martin, Gérald I369250 Male

Daigle, Marie Anne I369249 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Landry, Yvonne Géraldine I446855 Female
ID : F201751
Type :
Enfants : 3
Résidence familiale : Ottawa, Ont., en 1999

Martin, Anne I476728 Female
Martin, Michelle I476730 Female
Martin, Carole I476732 Female

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