Généalogie acadienne

Annie Elizabeth Burke

ID : I520360 Female

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Annie was an avid hockey fan, enjoyed playing bingo, music, dancing and spending time with her family. Her birthday celebrations will be missed by all. She loved her church and had served on several committees throughout the years.

Annie Elizabeth Burke
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1. Burke, James I520354 Male

Quinn, Annie I520355 Female
Type : Mariés
Date : 31 octobre 1894
Lieu : Saint-Jean, N.-B.


1. Lizotte, Dory Julin I520361 Male
ID : F236311
Type :
Enfants : 12

Lizotte, Ann I520373 Female
Lizotte, Patty I520380 Female
Lizotte, Joseph I520368 Male
Lizotte, Theresa I520374 Female
Lizotte, Paula I520381 Female
Lizotte, Elizabeth I520370 Female
Lizotte, Debbie I520378 Female
Lizotte, Joan I520371 Female
Lizotte, Susan I520379 Female
Lizotte, James I520366 Male
Lizotte, Donna Jean I562555 Female
Lizotte, Allan I520364 Male

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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Arbre ascendant

Annie Elizabeth Burke
I520360 Female
