Généalogie acadienne

Alfred Aubut

ID : I533871 Male

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The first settlers at Arsenault Siding, later to be called Saint-Martin of Restigouche, came in 1913. In 1918, Élias Morin gave twenty acres of land for the construction of a chapel. It was built by Léonce Charron and Alfred Aubut, who each receiv

ed $75 as salary. In 1926, Léonce Charron built the rectory. From 1919, the mission was served by the parish priest of Kedgwick until the nomination of the first parish priest, Fathert Léon Gagnon in 1931. Then in 1936, Saint-Martin became a missi

on of Saint-Quentin until 1948, the year when Thomas Beaulieu was appointed parish priest in Saint-Quentin. A larger church was built in 1958. Photo around 1935. (Source http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/a/u/b/Therese-Aubut/WEBSITE-0001/



1. Aubut, Hospice I316469 Male

Guy, Marie Mary I316470 Female
Type :
Date :
Lieu :


1. Thibault, Robertine I533872 Female
ID : F243311
Type : Mariés
Enfants : 9
Mariage 23 septembre 1907
Saint-Clément, Qc

Aubut, Lionel I192631 Male
Aubut, Noëlla Marie I754111 Female
Aubut, Gérard I322433 Male
Aubut, Juliette Marie Bertha I205670 Female
Aubut, Marie-Louise Georgette I863667 Female
Aubut, Germain Joseph Honorius I812910 Male
Aubut, Freda Marie Stella Alfreda I812913 Female
Aubut, Germaine Marie Florette I812911 Female
Aubut, Simonne I899270 Female

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