Généalogie acadienne

James Howard Landry

ID : I713567 Male

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Résidence Jacquet River en 2016

James was a World War II army veteran.

He was President of the Durham Legion Branch 77, as well as District Commander of the Legion of the North Shore.

He worked as a private contractor as well as a supervisor for the Department of Highways, and in addition served on the school board.

James Howard Landry
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1. Landry, John I713566 Male

Elsliger, Joséphine I713565 Female
Type : Mariés
Date : 15 mai 1922
Lieu : Nash Creek, N.-B.


1. Galloway, Genevive I713568 Female
ID : F284200
Type :
Enfants : 7

Landry, James P. I713582 Male
Landry, Maureen I713577 Female
Landry, Bernice I713571 Female
Landry, Leo I713579 Male
Landry, Thomas I713573 Male
Landry, Gregory Furlotte I713581 Male
Landry, Betty I713575 Female

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A Adopté
P Adopté par le père
M Adopté par la mère
N Parent nourricier
L Parent par alliance
V Individu vivant

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