Acadian Genealogy

Norman Richard dit Hutch Hutchison

ID : I958631 Male

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Norman avait été membre du Civilian Conservation Corps dans sa jeunesse et s'était enrôlé dans le Marine Corps en novembre 1942, servant son pays dans les îles du Pacifique Sud.

Servant avec la 1ère Division de Marines, il a combattu à Guadacanal, Bouganville et Vella la Vella.

Il a reçu sa décharge honorable en novembre 1945. Il est venu à Waterville et a rejoint le service de police et a servi 25 ans jusqu'à sa retraite en novembre 1970.

Il était également un ancien membre de réserve du département de police de Fairfield et Winslow.

Après avoir pris sa retraite de la police de Waterville, il a ensuite occupé le poste d'agent de sécurité à Van Leer Keyes Fiber, où il a servi jusqu'à ce qu'il soit contraint de prendre sa retraite pour cause de maladie en 1982.

Norman had been a member of the Civilian Conservation Corps as a youth and enlisted in the Marine Corps in November, 1942, serving his country in the South Pacific Islands.

Serving with the 1st Marine Division, he fought at Guadacanal, Bouganville, and Vella la Vella.

He received his honorable discharge in November 1945. He came to Waterville and joined the Police Department and served 25 years until hs retirement in November 1970.

He was also a former reserve member of the Fairfield and Winslow Police Department.

After retiring from the Waterville Police Force he went on to serve as security guard at Van Leer Keyes Fibre where he served until he was forced to retire due to illness in 1982.


1. Hutchison, Henry Berryman I958589 Male

Cormier, Tharsile Marie I958590 Female
Type :
Date :
Location :


1. , Marie-Berthe I958632 Female
ID : F386590
Type : Married
Children : 7

Hutchison, Rob I958643 Male
Hutchison, Paul I958638 Male
Hutchison, June I958633 Female
Hutchison, Jim I958640 Male
Hutchison, Julie I958635 Female
Hutchison, Bruce I958641 Male
Hutchison, Norman M. I958636 Male

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Legend [+]
A Adopted
F Adopted by father
M Adopted by mother
O Foster child
S Step child
L Individual living

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